SustainCERT approved as a Validation and Verification Body for SD VISta

SustainCERT is now an approved Validation and Verification Body (VVB) for Verra’s Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) and will offer verification services for the following scopes: 

  • Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) 
  • Climage change adaptation 
  • Education 
  • Energy 
  • Health 
  • Housing 
  • Infrastructure 
  • Livelihoods  
  • Transport 
  • Water access and sanitation 
  • Women’s empowerment 

In time, our goal will be to cover all available scopes. 

Following our approval as a VVB for the Verified Carbon Standard in 2023, this latest expansion highlights our ambition to scale our available verification activities – and bring credibility to climate action and sustainable development projects around the world. 


What is SD VISta?


SD VISta is a standard for certifying the benefits of social and environmental projects, from gender equity to affordable clean energy and restoration of wildlife. It advances investment into the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations, providing verified data on the social and environmental benefits of projects. 

Projects can be verified directly for SD VISta assets, or an SD VISta label can be applied to credits in other programs such as the Verified Carbon Standard. All SD VISta certified projects, as well as Verified Carbon Units that have an SD VISta label, are visible on a public registry operated by Verra. 

SD VISta projects follow a rigorous assessment process and are verified by expert, third-party auditors to ensure they meet the rules and requirements of the program. Approval by Verra ensures that VVBs have expertise in the sectoral scopes of the project activities they verify. 

“We are thrilled to be approved as a VVB for the SD VISta Program. Our role as a third-party verifier is crucial to ensuring credibility for sustainable development outcomes. We look forward to offering digitally enhanced verification services to projects contributing to the SDGs around the world.”

Marion Verles, CEO, SustainCERT

Looking to verify your SD VISta projects? 

Our greatly experienced team can help you to verify all SD VISta projects in the areas we cover (outlined above) Learn more about our services below.

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