Systems Lab Output Launch - Catalysing value chain decarbonisation towards a scalable reality: the role of Scope 3 systems in enabling collective action and co-investments

An increasing number of companies are setting science-based targets and making commitments to reduce their Scope 3 emissions. However, Scope 3 emissions are not under the control of any single actor but shared among multiple actors, and data are complex and hard to manage. The big question that often comes up is: how can Scope 3 systems credibly account, report and claim value chain emission reductions and removals, especially in situations with limited traceability? And how can reporting companies collaborate and co-invest in these multifaceted settings? 

In 2022, 31 organisations across diverse sectors joined the Value Change Initiative’s Systems Lab to learn from one another and collectively answer this question. The result of the discussions is a publication exploring how value chain actors can collaborate and co-finance their climate change mitigation actions with the right level of transparency and reliability of data through the use of Systems. This webinar aims to present key results of this Lab’s output and invite participants to share their experiences and lessons learned. 

Join us in this webinar to: 

  • Explore the potential of Scope 3 systems in enabling collective action and co-financing  
  • Understand the role and opportunity with an Impact Verification System, a Tracking System, and a Trading/Transfer System, as well as Registry for information   
  • Learn from Lab participants’ experience on the ground 
  • Leave with key takeaways and tools to effectively accelerate progress towards Net Zero value chains.